Afro-Guatemalan, Afro-Honduran, Afro-Nicaraguan

Afro-Guatemalan are Guatemalans of African descent. The first Africans in Guatemala were brought in 1524 and slavery was abolished in 1824, in Honduras 1540 and abolished in 1824 and Nicaragua 1630 and abolished 1838. Afro-Guatemala make up 1-2% of the population with 160,000-320,000. They are mainly West Indian(Antillean) and Garifuna population. They concentrate in Livingston, Puerto Barrios and Santo Tomas.
In Honduras, Garífunas are 5% of the population with 350,000. They are the descendants of African-Carib populations from the Caribbean island of St Vincent who were exiled to the Honduran coast in the eighteenth century. They concentrate at departments of Cortes and Gracias a Dios.
In Nicaragua, Garífunas (Black Caribs) are mainly in the communities of Orinoco, La Fé, San Vicente and Bluefields. They make up 9% of the population with 600,000. The African influences found in the Garifuna culture are: FOOD- machuca, dharasa, tapado; MUSIC AND DANCE- punta, chumba, hunguhungu, mascaro, indio, barbaro, guanaragua, gunchei, luyano, yankunnu, paranda; RELIGIÓN- ancestral spiritism
The 2005 Census estimated there to be 3,271 Garifuna in the country. “
For Garifuna History and Culture
History and Culture- http://globalsherpa.org/garifunas-garifuna/
History Guatemala Garifuna- Guatemala | World Directory of Minorities & Indigenous Peoples (minorityrights.org)
History Nicaragua Garifuna- Garifuna | Minority Rights Group
History of Honduras Garifuna- Garifuna | Minority Rights Group
History- Afro-Guatemalan - Afropedea
Video History and culture- https://youtu.be/dkw8pmUoTy4
Photo, history and culture- Afro- Guatemalan of Guatemala. – Africani Sankofa (wordpress.com)
Guatemala Ministry of Culture- You searched for garifuna - Portal MCD
Video- https://youtu.be/OZvohb31P_Q
Video Garifuna Honduras- Yo Soy Garifuna Documentary- Full Length - YouTube
Garifunas Music and Dance Resources
Info- From Punta to Chumba: Garifuna Music and Dance in New Orleans (louisianafolklife.org)
Video of Punta- https://youtu.be/70teseguCFY
Video of Punta- https://youtu.be/nxUOvtLJWQA
Garifunas Religion and Spirituality Resources
Info- Garifuna Spirituality and Religion - Warasa Garifuna Drum School (warasadrumschool.com)

(All photos of Garifunas in Livingston, Guatemala by Lynn Anyanwu)