My name is Lynn Nnenna Anyanwu. I am a Nigerian-American World Language educator with over twenty years of teaching elementary, middle and high school students. I currently live in Germany and call Nigeria, Germany and Miami my home. I started AfroCEF to educate students about the Afro-descendants in Latin America, the African influences through practices and products that has endured today and to facilitate the relinking of connection/dialogue between Africans in the ancestral land and African descendants in the diaspora.This website focuses on the Afro-Latino experiences, cultures, their existence, contributions to their communities, their current
struggles and challenges in being visible and marginalized from society and recent movements in policies for inclusion. This site also addresses the need to continue bridging the connection, knowledge and conversation between Africans in Africa and diasporic Africans-though our socio-economic-political and cultural realities and histories are different, we still share the characteristics and bond of our ancestral land and its influences-Africa.

This is an educational website that was created for anyone interested in Afro-Latino history and influences. Our goal is to bridge a knowledge gap in our educational system and provide a resource where we can learn, grow & have conversations together.
AfroCEF Mission:
To educate students/our communities about the Afro-descendants in Latin America, its African influenced practices, identity and inclusion challenges
To facilitate the connection/dialogue/ between Africans in the ancestral land and African descendants in the diaspora
To share African, Afro-Latinos and Afro-diasporic cultural activities, resources, events, remembrance sites, and heritage tours
To provide a platform to educate and encourage students/communities to engage in fight against discrimination, racism, damaging sterotypes and biases and to be an active voice provoking policies for transformative change